Our People

We're not just a place, but a philosophy of holistic care

Our Te Whare Hūmārie premises in Tikipunga, Whangārei are a hub for the In-Patient Unit (IPU), doctors, specialist nurses, health care assistants, family support team, Te Tumu Herenga Waka, and all the support staff and volunteers who enable our services to be provided.

At any point in time, on average, 220 people will be in our care, with most in their own homes or place of residence. Over a year we’ll usually provide specialist care and support for between 500 and 600 people, and their families and whanāu.

Find out more about the people that make this happen.

Apollo Entertainment Warehouse Offices

Our Patron

Sheryl Mai

“I will do everything I can to promote Te Korowai Hūmārie and help it achieve its goals,” she said. “To be the first to take on the role with the title Pou Manawa is beyond humbling. Hospice does such truly amazing work for our community, and I see it as a huge honour to be part of the organisation”.

Sheryl will be familiar to many as a previous Whangārei Mayor (2013- 2022) before deciding to pursue other interests, look for new opportunities and spend more time with friends, family and her garden.  She has a passion for art, culture and community activities and North Haven is truly appreciative of being added to the list. Ngati Wai Rangatira Te Warihi Hetaraka gifted the title of Te Pou Manawa for our Patron, which was warmly accepted by the North Haven Hospice Board and whānau at her whakatau.  Sheryl is known for building networks and connecting with others and is looking forward to using those talents in the local and national arenas to promote awareness of the work and people of North Haven Hospice.

Our Board

Ann McKillop

“As I head into retirement I am privileged to serve our community on the Board of North Haven Hospice. I am passionate about excellent palliative care and proud to be associated with the amazing care provided by the team at North Haven Hospice.”

Appointed to the Board in 2016 and as Chairperson in 2018. Ann has held nursing roles in clinical practice, leadership, research and education in Auckland and Northland. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Nursing at the University of Auckland with a special interest in health equity and primary health care. Ann is a long time resident of the Tutukaka Coast where she lives with husband Ken. They have two adult children, both living overseas

Fay Colthurst

“I have been a North Haven Hospice In-Patient Unit volunteer for 18 years and am privileged to work with such dedicated people providing a wonderful service to our community.”

Appointed to the Board in 2012 and served as Chairperson from 2016 to November 2018. Fay is an active community worker and sat as a Judicial Justice of the Peace for 36 years. Fay farmed at Ruatangata for over 40 years and raised a family of four children, with many years’ involvement with kindergarten, school and sports administration.

David Bawden

Appointed to the Board in 2015. David is a General Practitioner in private practice and has been a GP for over 32 years. In the past he was also employed by North Haven Hospice as a Medical Officer for 16 years.

Joe Makene

“I am blessed to be part of the Board and support the work that this organisation is committed to in the community of Whangarei and surrounding districts.”

Joe was appointed to Board in 2018 as a representative of Pehiaweri Marae. Joe retired from the Queensland Police Academy after being with them for nearly 20 years as a trainer of sworn and unsworn members of police. Joe has been involved in ministry as a pastor and a priest since 1987.

Darren Hills

“On a personal level I have lost four members of my family to cancer, therefore I have first hand experience of how valuable services such as the Hospice are. With my strong engineering and problem solving background, I am now in a position to help the Hospice at Board level which I enjoy.”

Appointed to the Board in 2020. Darren was a precision engineer in the aircraft/spacecraft industries in the UK and abroad. In Whangarei for 16 years he was a loss adjuster, managing complex insurance claims involving building repairs, liability and contract works. In 2021 Darren made a lifestyle choice to semi-retire and now runs his own specialist mechanical engineering business.

Natasha Hemara

“I was excited to be asked to contribute to such a great organization as North Haven Hospice. Hospice is such a wonderful service for our wider community and I am thankful to be able to support in whatever way I can.”

Appointed to the Board in early 2021. Natasha (Ngapuhi: Te Mahurehure, Ngati Hau ki Whakapara) left Whangarei 26 years earlier to attend Otago University and has returned home to contribute in the hope to better contribute to Te Tai Tokerau. Natasha is passionate about youth and assisting them to find their pathways in life and relishes the opportunity to contribute to our young people in Whangarei as the Principal at Kamo High School.

Ken Orr

Appointed to the Board in 2023. Ken has been a practicing Pharmacist in Northland for 25 years with experience in Community Pharmacy, General practice and in home care work. Ken was a forming director of Manaia PHO (now Mahitahi Hauora PHE) and a Justice of the Peace.

Nola Sooner
Board Secretary

“My passion for North Haven Hospice is driven by the hard work shown by volunteers and paid staff within this organisation. When I was offered the opportunity to be appointed Board Secretary, I was pleased to be in a position to be able to assist. I spent most of my formative years living in Whangarei and It is a privilege to use my skills in giving back to our community.”

Nola has been the Board’s Secretary since 2017. She works as a legal executive at a local law firm and has enjoyed a successful career sideline providing Board secretarial support for a number of organizations in Whangarei for over 24 years.

Our Leadership Team

Helen Blaxland
Chief Executive Officer
Dave Coyne
Te Tumu Herenga Waka
Dr Warrick Jones
Director of Clinical Services
Grant Murray
Director of Business and Performance
Debi Norman
HR Manager
Lyn Cheyne
Director of Marketing and Fundraising
North Haven News

Quarterly News and Annual Reports

Find out what North Haven Hospice has been up to and how it has been helping lives.

Annual Report 2023-24

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